Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Plz help with my question?

okay, so there's this guy and i recently started thinking that he was cute...well last night my friend told his friend, and his friend told him...and i could tell instantly that he knew by the way he was acting. When he found out we were sitting down playing this game (it was a game night) and he was looking at me constantly. Like, my friend was sitting next to me and just to annoy me she was counting each time he looked at me and she got up to 12 times in that one game... but then when we were done with the game u could almost say that he was like...hiding...cuz we were outside in a parking lot and he was behind this truck and like turned away..and then he was like behind his friends(but the "hiding" was only for a little while)...but i noticed that he was like way... "smilier" (u know just smiling like the entire night) than usual..like he seemed very happy. and then the guy that told him i think he was cute was with the guy i used to like and the guy im talking about now and the guy i used to like pointed at me...while he was talking to them. but idk, i guess im just confused about the night. what do u think of it all? plz help!(:

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