Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What to do if police officer is coming and your about to get on bridge?

today i was driving (with permit) and a police officer was driving with his siren on hauling. I was about to get on a 2 lane bridge that has no shoulder and panicked so i kept on going, police officer gets behind me and trys passing me, on the other lane was an oncoming truck(the bridge is made where its like a hill and you cant see the other side until you've gotten to the other side). So the truck i dont think saw him and was still driving, so to avoid an accident i speed up(if i had stopped then he would have either hit the oncoming truck or he would have swerved into my lane and hit me). he gets behind me again as he sees the oncoming trucks, finally i get off the bridge and pull to the side and as he goes onto the freeway he glares at me. What should i have done in this situation, freaked me out majorly and would like to know what to do if there is no shoulder

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