Monday, July 11, 2011

Can I go to juvenile detention for what happened today?

i'm 17 and probably have some anger issues, but ill try and make this short. I went to the feed store today to pick up hay and was returning home when i noticed the car behind me on my @ss. I was about to get into the other lane when 1 of the girls- both were god awful ugly btw got into that lane, sped up flicked me off and threw a soda at my truck. I followed them for maybe 10 mins to the next stoplight. I got out my car and tried to open her door to knock her teeth out but they locked it. I told her to open her door but she stuck her tongue out. I had a crow bar in my truck so I got it to bust open her window to drag her out but as soon as they saw it the sped off. I've been in a few between 10 to 15 fights before but never had to in my car. they were complete punks in my opinion...but my question is if they copied my license plate # can i get in trouble for anythin?

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