Sunday, July 10, 2011

My dream of being a professional singer?

based on what you have said it does look like u have a lot potential. For me its the same thing my parents also want me to be a doctor or some other well-paid job thing. Im pretty young though so i guess i have a lot of time to decide. But im as desperate as you are i guess. the youtube thing is a good idea. or u should try to perform in front of them like you would perform for strangers like on stage. or if that sounds stupid try to just imagine yourself performing on stage while performing in front of your parents. idk but u shouldnt be scared of performing in front of your parents.. just do the youtube thing. and as for voice exercises and all, im really srry but i have no clue either i wuz actually gonna ask a question on that. I hope i helped and that i didnt sound too stupid. o and could u plz ansswer my question?;_ylt=AudvqAbmAfdOWnS33QTNSQzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110611210635AAmRW1q

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