Friday, July 15, 2011

Why is my family racist?

i listen to rap which is (mostly) black people music and thats not racist because its true they are black like im white so anyway i like rap i (dislike) country and rock but my grandma which is 79 i think says mexicans are smart because they come here and get money and go back over seas and their rich which is racist and they all made a joke one time stating that the white house is now the black house idk i just i wouldnt date a black person because idk i just rathet date whites or a part mexican or latina im not racist i just dont like like black's you know but i just dont like racism and my dad when we are in his truck plays country (loud) and tells me i can't listen to rap but my brother can listen to (anything) WTF!!?? help me please i like rap and blacks are humans their not all bad some whites and blacks are bad but not all i hate racism and he has a anger problem and all and im 13 my brother is 19 and WTF!!!?????

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